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Wade Wilson's Guide To Writing Big Paragraphs


                 I'm not really gonna touch too much on combat here as there are NUMEROUS guides across the inter-webs with various tutorials and instructions on how to T1 fight. It's not a perfect system, and you may have gone and learned a different type of text fighting, but we use T1 because of the fairness that it brings. Now with that being said, you need to know the limitations of your character as well. This is why you'll never see me get into a fight with someone that can't at least match, or barely holds an advantage over me. Because anything else would be stupid. We're comic book fans, or most of us are anyways and that's a big deal to us. Can I beat Thor? Seriously.. why would I wanna fight Thor anyways? Big loveable puppy he is. If you scratch him on his ribcage, he just rolls over on his side, and starts kic - Okay, getting alittle off topic here. Could I beat Thor in a legitmate contest of powers and abilities? No but it's fun to goof around that way. For a real scene though, I would be getting my pimply butt ass handed to me. Instead, lets pick something a bit closer to home. Me vs Bullseye. Pretty even match up right there, both super skilled in various ways, both not shy about killing to get to the other. So it's a fun, and FAIR fight.

              Now, the other thing that I see that bothers the piss out of me. AUTOING! If you don't know what that is, you probably did it. But take it from me, it pisses the people that have been around here for a while, off. You don't AUTOMATICALLY hit your opponent. No you make the strike and its up to them to decide if it tags or not. Thats the whole point of T1 is to make it to the point where they are backed into a corner or they slip up and you can take advantage of that. So use it!!

             Next in this area, is DON'T BE AFRAID TO TAKE A DAMN HIT! Seriously, it's not like EVERY punch is a knockout punch. No, take the hit like a man (or woman if your genitals are aesthetically pleasing). It's not that bad, but you need to learn to use that as well. There will be times where you lose, and don't think you can win every match you enter. Cause you won't, unless you're an OP bastard, and then, no one will want to fight you since you're an OP bastard. They'll let you whomp on NPC's all day though.

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