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         Ok, this one is a touchy subject for me, so forgive the bias stuff that's about to come out of me. Most people lack this ability, for whatever reason I haven't the slightest clue. It's called COMMON COURTESY, yet it's so rare it might as well be extinct. Want examples? OF COURSE YOU DO!

  1. So let's say that you have to go somewhere, but you just get up and leave your RP partner hanging.

Shame on you!

  2. You need to take a break, but don't say anything.

Shame on you! There are a tons of things that people need to know if you're going to be RPing with them, and just having a reason on your profile isn't enough, as it might get overlooked or what have. You can blame them all you want, but you're still at fault in a way for not warning someone.

  3. Slow typer?

Warn your Rp partner or group. I type pretty fast, as it's been pointed out to me, so people are often on their toes with me as we play. Don't get discouraged. I've been doing this for a long while now and you only get better with practice.

  4. Feeling a little uncomfortable with the scene?

TELL SOMEONE! Do you see a trend here? If anything outside of the norm goes on, let someone know so that the other isn't waiting on pins and needles for an hour, to receive a three line's anti-climactic. At the very least.


Wade Wilson's Guide To Writing Big Paragraphs

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